Date | Version | Reading Plan |
February 3, 2025 | ESV (2016) | OT/NT Plan 2025 – 2027 |
Genesis 34
- Gen. 34:7 – Jacob’s sons were “very angry” at Shechem for lying with their sister “for such a thing must not be done.” The outrage by Jacob’s sons toward their sister indicates regard for their sister even though it manifested poorly.
- Gen. 34:8-10 – Hamor wanted Jacob’s sons to intermarry with them. The merging of families would have allowed Jacob and his family access to property and fewer restrictions for travel.
- Gen. 34:11-12 – Shechem asked Jacob directly for Dinah to be his wife, willing to give whatever bride-price Jacob said to him. Shechem was resolute on acquiring Dinah as his wife.
- Gen. 34:13-17 – Jacob’s sons answered Shechem deceitfully because he had defiled their sister. Their response from the beginning was aimed at retribution for the wrong done to their sister.
- Gen. 34:20-23 – Hamor and Shechem spoke to the men of their city, told them that they had reached an agreement with Jacob’s family and that they were to be circumcised as Jacob’s family was circumcised. They proceeded with no knowledge of the plan that Jacob’s sons had in store.
- Gen. 34:30 – After Jacob’s sons killed Hamor, Shechem and all the males, Jacob said to Simeon and Levi that their actions made him stink to the inhabitants of the land and that they may gather themselves together to attack him. Jacob was fearful and seems to express an heir of self-preservation.
Shechem’s treatment of Dinah was by no means good but neither was the vengeful deceit enacted by Simeon and Levi. These events are rife with sin and demonstrate the kind of hearts in desperate need of regeneration. Thanks be to God who looks on our wretched behavior with mercy and compassion, willing to redeem and restore His corrupt moral creatures at the immeasurable cost of His own Son.
Thank you, LORD, that you have not left us to ourselves but made your love manifest through the greatest sacrifice that ever has and will be made.
Mark 6
- Mark 6:3 – The people of Jesus’ hometown took offense at Him. They referred to Jesus as the “son of Mary” which may indicate that Joseph had already died by this point.
- Mark 6:6 – Jesus “marveled” at their unbelief. Other translations (such as the CSB and NLT) say, “he was amazed”. Jesus showed emotion and it is fascinating to see that Jesus expressed amazement even while being the Lord of all creation.
- Mark 6:11 – the dust shaken from the feet of the twelve was to be a testimony against those who did not listen to them. The apostles were to share the message of the gospel faithfully, but also be entirely separated from the consequences that would come those who rejected the message.
In the same way instruction had been given to the apostles, we are commanded to share the gospel, make disciple of all nations and teach them to observe all that Jesus commanded (Matt. 28:18-20). Our calling as ambassadors is to abide in the Lord’s commission in conveying the news of salvation in Christ—led by the Spirit, balanced in with truth and love—but also realize that we do not vicariously assume the guilt of those who respond in opposition.
Heavenly Father, help me to be steadfast in obedience to your call on my life, to proclaim your name boldly and that my life would reflect your gracious work of redemption.